Thyroid cancer was the ‘good’ cancer- quick treatment and easy to cure. We were thankful that if we had to experience cancer, it was this… But like in so many other ways, Lindsey was unique – a 1%… and that wasn’t the plan for her.
In Nov. 2002, at the age of 26, Lindsey Brooke (Lichtman) Britchkow was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Expectations were optimistic that before her wedding in May 2003, cancer would be a thing of the past. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.
After being told that her cancer was incurable, we were determined to change that… it was a long shot, but we had hope.
Starting with our first fundraiser in 2008, we set out to help her doctors find a cure and bring awareness and educate others on the importance of getting their thyroids checked. Our fundraising events have raised over $200,000, supporting research groups at the University of Pennsylvania, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Fox Chase Cancer Center. Although we will continue to support the research to find a cure, we have decided to expand our mission to not only focus on how she died, but focus on her passion in life.
As a pediatric Occupational Therapist, Lindsey found her calling. She loved the children she helped, and found extended family in her co-workers.
Starting in 2022, in addition to supporting Dr. Brose’s research, Thyroid Hope is starting a scholarship at Lindsey's employer, SPOTS (Special Programs in Occupational Therapy Services) continue Lindsey's legacy and provide occupational therapy services to underprivileged children who otherwise might not receive the help they need.